
Welcome remarks:
- Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D (Rector, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan (Rector, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc. Ph.D (Head, Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency)
- Prof. Shinichi Kuriyama (Director of International Research Institute of Disaster Science – IRIDeS Tohoku University)
Invited speakers:
- Ms. Jenty Kirsch-Wood (United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction [UNDRR] New York)*
- Dr. Raditya Jati, S.Si., M.Si (Indonesia Disaster Management Agency [BNPB])
- Emiliano Rodriguez Nuesch (Pacifico Creative Risk Communication, Argentina)
*in confirmation
Side Event Hands-On Workshop Embedding Indigenous Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction – 12 October 2023
Risk communicators usually find a complex environment in which to work, because stories about disasters tend to be about destruction and are most often reactive.
How do we trigger meaningful conversations about disasters before they happen, with a positive, creative and participatory approach?
In this workshop, students will learn about new tools for putting theory into practice and creating culturally relevant awareness campaigns.
Drawing from diverse experiences around the world, innovative tools. case studies and methodologies will be presented as inspiration, including music, art, technology and more.

Side Event Case study collection on Community-Based Inclusive Disaster Management Innovation and Local Leadership in Indonesia
As part of the AIWEST-DR 2023 conference side event, 15 selected abstracts with focus on “Community-Based Inclusive Disaster Management Innovation and Local Leadership in Indonesia” will be showcased in a case study collection joint-publication between Faculty of Psychology, YEU and BNPB* supported by the Community-led Innovation Partnership (CLIP).
Selected abstracts will receive these recognitions:
- Selected abstracts will receive a research subsidy of IDR 5,000,000 to develop further action to capture best practice in “Community-Based Inclusive Disaster Management Innovation and Local Leadership in Indonesia” and develop a full paper to be presented at AIWEST-DR 2023 parallel session.
- Selected abstracts will be invited to attend as speakers at the IDEAKSI Demo Day & Symposium as part a pre-event AIWEST-DR-2023 (August 2023)
- Opportunity to present a paper in DRR Month in Southeast Sulawesi
- Receive certificates of participation for case study collection from BNPB*, Faculty of Psychology UGM, and YEU
More information on the case study collection can be found in this announcement poster:

Deadline to submit abstact and full paper aligns with the “important dates” of the conference. For further instructions on abstract and paper submission follow Submission Guideline . Please indicate in your submission that you wish to be considered for this joint-publication.