Relevant conference track | Track 2: Inclusive Community Resilience and Disaster Education |
Name of Organization/ Institution and point of contact | International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, Japan |
Other supporting institutions: | TDMRC, Syiah Kuala University |
Background | Older adults, children, people with cognitive /physical disabilities, and other ‘minorities’ represent the most vulnerable groups at times of disaster. Their specific needs must be identified and included in disaster prevention, response and recovery. The key to an inclusive approach for the vulnerable group is that this preparation should also design ‘with’ them and not only ‘for’ them. This approach is an inclusive disaster risk reduction promoted by 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the IFRC with the campaign ‘Leaving no one behind.’ |
Aims/ objectives | This session aims to identify gaps and promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups across multiple areas and phases of disaster management. The presentations will focus on specific groups such as older adults, people with disabilities, people needing medical care, and people with cognitive/physical disabilities, and tourirsts. Moreover, our research projects are based on the idea that vulnerable groups should be collaborators in designing research and activities. The presenters of this session will discuss particular cases observed during and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and others. |
Expected output: | We expect this session to draw lessons and recommendations to improve development of ‘Inclusive Disaster Risk Management’, building sustainable, equal, and resilient communities. The results will be drafted in a conference report that will form the basis to foster further projects in collaboration with our Indonesian and overseas partners. |
Target audience (number and from which organization): | 100, UGM, UGM, Syiah Kuala and other stakeholders. |
Mechanism and Program Design (Session chair/ Moderator, Resource persons/ speakers, Presentation Title, Points of Discussion, etc.) | Session chair: Elisabeth Maly Speaker(s)/Title: Miwako Kitamura, From Vulnerability to Resilience: Gender and Diversity in Disaster Reduction Sébastien Boret/ Hyejeong Park, Disaster preparedness with and for people with disabilities Julia Gerster, Foreign residents, and disaster preparedness. Examples from Sendai City after the Great East Japan Earthquake Ryo Saito, Future Directions of School BOSAI Cocreation Class in Japan for Building a Resilient and Sustainable Society David NGuyen, Tourism, and Disaster Resilience |
Tentative rundown | Welcome address, 2mins Introduction, 3 mins Messages from People with Disabilities and related stakeholders, 15 mins Speaker 1) 15 mins Speaker 2) 15 mins Speaker 3) 15 mins Speaker 4) 15 mins Speaker 5) 15 mins Discussion 20 mins Final Remarks on the future of Inclusive DRR 5 mins Total Time : 120 mins |